Tuesday, January 17, 2012

January 17, 2012 words

Suite- ensemble
We had a suite of rooms at the hotel.

Sweet- sugary
The chocolate cake was too sweet.

Summary- A short version giving the gist
The summary of the story was too long

Summery- like summer
outside today is summery type weather in winter

sundae- ice cream with syrup on it
I love to eat bananas with my sundae

Sunday- first day of the week
On Sunday night we get ready for school.

Tach- short for tachometer
The tach shows the speed of the car’s engine.

Tack- small nail I hung the picture with a tack.
small nails The tacks held to paper into the wall.

Tax- governmental tithe
Every April 15 is tax day.

Tail- spinal appendage
Cats have tails.

Tale- story
Snow White is a fairy tale

Tailer- one who hauls in on a ship's line I don’t know what this is.

Tailor- one who makes clothes

Taper- wedge-shaped
Candles are sometimes called tapers.

Tapir- hoglike, Malaysian mammal
We saw tapirs at the zoo.

Tare- allowance for the weight of packing materials
The tare allowance for the shipment is 2000 pounds.

Tear- to rip
The paper rip into two pieces.
Tear the paper in half to make two pieces.

Taught-past tense of teach
The teacher taught the lesson

Taut- stretched tight
The string was pulled taut to keep everything in place.

Tea- herbal infusion
The Queen drank her tea.

Tee- golfball prop
The man broke his tee when he hit the ball

Ti- musical note
In the Sound of Music, TI follows the note LA.

Tea- a group working together
The basketball team won their sectionals

Teem- to swarm
The hive was teeming with bees.
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Friday, January 13, 2012

January 13 words

Base - The bottom support for anything.
The base of the building has to be firm before adding walls.

Bass- The lowest musical pitch or range.
Amy played the bass in the Orchestra.

Be- To exist.
John wanted to be president when he was little.

Bee- Pollinating buzzer.
he bee stung the girl at the playground.

Have you done to, too and two yet?

a number
I have two arms.

too- also
My friend has a dog, too.

to- In the direction of
The child went to school every morning.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

January 11 words

altar- Raised center of worship.
The priest stood at the altar to pray.

alter- To change.
I need to alter my dress because it is too big.

Right –direction
The car was turning right.

Right – right hand side
The boy was right handed.

Ate- Past tense of eat.
The boy ate his food really fast because he was hungry.

Eight- A number.
The girl is very excited because she is turning eight years old in a few days.

Band-A group
The band Greenday is my favorite band.

Some schools banned the Harry Potter books.

Forming the base. The scientist tested basal cells.

Basil- An herb. T
he chef added basil to the pasta sauce.